How Do I Become a Member of Zion?

The term “member” refers to a part of the body.  All Christians are members of the body of Christ.  Christians join together in congregations for worship, study, and service.  Christians who are part of a congregation are also known as “members.”  This means they each have a vital role on the life of that congregation.

The first step towards membership at Zion is to begin attending worship.  Worship is at the heart of our life together as God’s people.  This is the first and best place to get to know who we are and what we are all about as a church.

The second step is to attend the Adult Instruction Class.  Here our basic beliefs and practices are reviewed and one can become acquainted with other new members and our pastor.  Adults become members by a Letter of Transfer from another Lutheran congregation.  Those who come from another Christian tradition are received by Affirmation of Faith.  Infants and minor children are received into membership with their parents and by Holy Baptism.

The third step is “Membership Sunday”, a brief rite where you will be received as a new member.  Zion receives new members throughout the year.  Anyone desiring to become a member should speak with our pastor.

How About Baptism?

Our Lord commanded Baptism, saying to His disciples in the last chapter of Matthew: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” The holy apostles of the Lord have written: “The promise is for you and your children,” and: “Baptism now saves you.”

Children are baptized when their baptism is requested by those who have parental authority over them: the parents, foster-parents, step-parents, and guardians who have been entrusted with the child’s training.  Older children and adults are baptized after they receive Christian instruction.  Anyone desiring Holy Baptism should speak with our pastor.

How Do I Get Married at Zion?

We, at Zion, believe that marriage is an honorable estate—instituted and designed by God for mankind, as part of life in this world.  We conduct weddings at church because we are committed to building strong Christian homes by God’s Word and Spirit.  A church wedding gives the bride and groom the opportunity to make their wedding vows in the presence of God, and also ask a blessing upon their marriage.  However, we are not a wedding chapel.  We do not rent the pastor or the church building.

Ordinarily, the bride or groom is a member of Zion.  However, couples wanting to build their new home on the Rock that is Jesus Christ may want to pursue Adult Instruction as part of their pre-marital counseling and become members of Zion.  Anyone desiring to be married should speak with our pastor at least six months in advance.

Need more information?  Have other questions?  Email the pastor at