Category Archives: Events

Fourth Day of Christmas 8 & 10 a.m.

The celebration of Jesus’ birth, which began on December 25, is observed for twelve days.  After the second worship service on this day, we will gather for lunch and then venture out and carol to people who could not get to Christmas services.  This is based on the Norwegian custom of...
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Tailgate Party

After the 10:00 a.m. the Board of Elders is hosting a Tailgate Party in the church parking lot.  There will be games, brats, hot dogs, and all kinds of beverages.  This is a fundraiser to help support a young man from our congregation who is beginning his seminary education....
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Semi-Annual Meeting and Church Picnic

The semi-annual voters’ meeting will be held after the church service on Sunday, August 10, with a picnic following the meeting.  Hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, milk, water, and lemonade will be provided.  Please bring a dish to share.  ...
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Rummage Sale

There will be items from the pre-school (toys, books, learning activities, and furniture), as well as household and collectible items. Friday, July 18    8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, July 19   9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, July 20   10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m....
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The Challenge of Islam

From June through August there is a Sundays morning Bible study, which begins at 8:00 a.m. This year we are studying a 12-part series called “The Challenge of Islam.”  Sam Shamoun, an Arab Christian, presents an eye-opening perspective on Islam.  Estimates put Muslims at well over one billion throughout the world, yet their...
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Ascension Day

The Ascension of our Lord marks an ending and a beginning.  The earthly ministry of Jesus had been accomplished.  Now, as recorded in the Gospels, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission to make disciples by baptizing and teaching.  Then He ascended into heaven, which He, the Son of God,...
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Light from Above

Christianity is the true and right religion, because it is the one religion that comes to us from God.  Christianity is light from above.  It is made known in the Bible, and it shows us that God has reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus Christ.  If we embrace the...
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Food Drive

From January 5 to February 9 we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products for the St. Francis Food Bank.  Food banks inform us that donations dwindle after Christmas, though the need continues.  Bring any items you wish to donate to the collection area in...
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Annual Meeting

One of the duties of church membership is to “support the work our gracious Lord has given this congregation.”  One way to do that is to attend voters’ meetings.  The Annual Voters’ Assembly will be held after the second service on Sunday, January 26, 2014.  Lunch will be served after...
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District Leadership Conference

Annual Leadership Meetings are being held all over the North Wisconsin District. These meetings are designed to equip and network lay leaders and assist them to carry out the ministry of their congregation.  Resources and ideas will be shared in the various workshops.  Participants can listen and share ideas with others.  Topics this...
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